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Mo Bunnell, CEO and Founder, Bunnell Idea Group

Mo Bunnell

CEO and Founder at Bunnell Idea Group

Atlanta, United States

About Me

I run a global business development consulting firm called Bunnell Idea Group (BIG). Our trademarked GrowBIG® Integrated System is helping companies grow their business faster, in the right way. Our business development system helps professionals get focused and efficient in business development. 

The GrowBIG® business development system is based on behavioral science. It is designed to be very efficient and successful. Our clients are busy professionals and they have limited time to do business development. The GrowBIG® system focuses on the key processes and foundational tools that will help you accelerate client acquisition and strengthen retention. It is an authentic approach that is designed from the buyer’s perspective. It is designed to help you help your clients succeed.

We become trusted advisers for our client’s business development and growth initiatives because our methodology works and we practice what we teach. Our team is universally driven to increase our clients’ revenue, structuring each initiative around helping them reach specific concrete strategic objectives for enhancing business development performance and business growth. Our innovative and proven processes drive growth through clearly articulated strategies and effective implementation.

I speak and write frequently on business development subjects. Together with Lisa Keyes and Susan Manch, I co-authored a series of three articles on business development programs in law firms, which were published by the National Association of Law Placement in early 2014.

Specialties: Innovation, Quantitative Analysis, Executive Coaching, Consulting, Business Strategy, Goal-setting, Sales, Sales Management, Positioning, Marketing, Public Relations, Long-term Relationships, Human Resources, Talent Management, Not-for-profit Management

Mo Bunnell's Passles

Bunnell Idea Group

BIG helps companies grow their business faster

Speeding Up Opportunities (1 of 3)

Time for speed!

There's one thing that all professionals hate.

The buying process goes too slow.

You know the questions your boss asks–when...

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Getting To Yes (2 of 3)

The second in a three-part series on getting to yes.

OK, let's say a client is interested in hiring you and you've gotten over the first...

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Getting To Yes (1 of 3)

This the first in a three-part series on getting to yes.

Let's say a client is at least mildly interested in hiring you.

This is the first...

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What To Do Next (1 of 2)

Here's this week's GrowBIG Playbook, helping you grow your book of business, relationships, and career.

Getting sciency again!


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